AIW Questions

 I know what you are thinking, "What the heck does it stand for and why are we doing it?"


AIW stands for Authentic Intellectual Work.

Now you are probably still wondering what that even means. Well, the premise behind AIW is to provide a research-based framework to, first, help teachers look at the quality of the instruction they are providing for students, and, second, utilize discussions and feedback from colleagues to to help improve that instruction for student learning.


  But you are probably still wondering, "Why do I have to have other teachers tell me what to do? I'm a professional!"


Exactly! As professionals, we all understand the value in receiving specific, constructive, non-evaluative feedback from our fellow professionals. How many times have you wished that you had the time to run a lesson past a colleague BEFORE sharing it with your students? Imagine how many of those dreaded lesson pitfalls could you have avoided by doing that? The beauty of the AIW framework is that you receive that feedback from professionals in many different core areas, so it helps you to look at your instruction with a fresh set of eyes, enabling you to reflect and make changes to build your students' higher order thinking skills.


  And now your last question, of course, is, "What does the research say? It kind of makes sense, but is there any data that supports this?"


You bet there is! AIW is not new. It has been around and studies have been done since the early 90's. It is just taking people a while to catch on! In the new book Authentic Intellectual Work: Improving Teaching for Rigorous Learning by Newmann, F.M., Carmichael, D.L., and King, M.B., several studies show the effectiveness of AIW in raising student performance because of teacher attention to the key tenets of AIW like construction of knowledge, in-depth understanding, and elaborated communication. 

The following chart is just one example of how powerful the influence of AIW can be on student achievement.