
Little Jojo

Little Jojo woke up with a grin. Today was his birthday. He was turning ten. Double digits! He was so excited. He looked up, expecting to see his favorite breakfast that his mother always set out for him on his birthday. There was nothing there. His bedside table was empty. That never happens on his birthday

Maybe she forgot, he thought. Slightly unhappy, he got up and went down to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Morning, sunshine!” his father said happily. Jojo slumped down into his chair.

“How’s my ickle little Jojo!” his mother said, coming out of nowhere with a plate of pancakes and bacon.

“Fine” Jojo lied.

“Perfect!” she said, setting down the plate in front of him. “Milk or orange juice?” she asked.

“Milk, please,” Jojo replied, while cutting up his pancake. Jojo started to get concerned. Did anybody know it was his birthday, he thought with a sick feeling. “I’m gonna get dressed.” Jojo said going back up the steps, without touching his food.

“JOJO!” cried a voice from the bathroom. Jojo knew it was his sister. She always got angry at him for no reason.

“What now?” he shouted. There were a few thumps until the doorknob twisted open. She emerged from the bathroom and went straight towards Jojo.

“Why is my phone in the toilet?” she asked calmly.

“What?” Jojo asked, trying to hold back a giggle.

“WHY IS MY PHONE IN THE TOILET!” she bellowed at him.

“I don’t know. Did you drop it in there or something?” He asked getting annoyed.

“IT WAS YOUR FAULT!” she shrieked angrily. Jojo started to lose his temper.

“Why do you always blame me!” He shouted back at her. She gave a low growl. Jojo turned on his heel and marched to the safety of his room before she could reply. Once he was inside, he took off his pajamas and threw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

He knew it was only a matter of time before she baby talked his parents into getting her a new phone.

“This is the worst birthday ever,” he sighed to himself. Jojo decided to flop onto his bed for a few minutes to cool off. Time passed and soon he got restless. He checked his watch out of plain boredom.

“NO!” he cried. It was 7: 30. He only had five more minutes to get to the bus! Jojo burst out off his room and sprinted through his house. He grabbed his bag, his shoes, and his coat. Without another word, he stormed out of his house and charged for the bus.

He was just in time when he arrived. The bus was about to leave until the driver saw him.

“What were you doin’? We jus’ abou’ left ya.” the driver said to him. Jojo took his normal seat in the back of the bus. What a rough morning, it will be better he thought, but things were only about to get worse.

When he arrived at school, his first class was science. They had a long project. Jojo was looking forward to this, until he remembered that he left it at home, when he was in the hurry. Jojo then spent his entire recess redoing his project. He forgot his lunch money at home and was left to starve because he didn’t eat breakfast. His other classes weren’t any better, and soon he was going back home.

“What stinks?” Jojo’s sister said as he walked inside the house. “Oh, that must be the smell of loser!” his sister laughed, pointing at Jojo. Jojo rolled his eyes and trudged up the steps.

“Dinner time!” his mother called after him.

“I’m not hungry!” Jojo lied as he entered his room. He hopped onto his bed and thought miserably about his birthday blowout. Footsteps started to approach his door. Knock,knock.

“Who is it?” he asked weakly.

“It’s mommy,” his mother replied through the door.

“Come in,” Jojo said. His mother walked into the room and sat on his bed next to him.

“Is everything alright?” she asked concerned. Jojo thought of the right words to explain.

“This is the worst birthday ever,” he said, pointing at his callender. His mother looked at him in shock.

“I’m so sorry. I forgot to tell you.” she said. “Today is National New Day. That means that an extra day is added to the calendar.” she said standing up and walking to the calendar.

“What?” Jojo said in amazement. His mother reached to a little slip next to Friday the thirteenth. With a little pull, an extra slot appeared next to it titled, National New Day.

“So my birthday is tomorrow?” Jojo asked with a puzzled look.

“Correct!” his mother said happily. “Are you ready for double digits!” she continued.

“Ya” Jojo replied happily. “Mom, I have a question. What are we having for dinner? I’m starving!”

Thankfully, for little Jojo, his birthday was going to be a fun one. Jojo ate his meatloaf happily that night. For he knew full well, that tomorrow would be an exciting day, no matter how many times his sister wailed away.