Jacob L

Adventure with Ralph

     It was a normal day of the farm, and there were clouds above circling in the sky.  I thought that there was a storm coming so we had to get set.  We had all the livestock in the sheds. We made sure that all of the gates were securely shut so that they could not get out and get injured.  So we all went inside so that we would not get hurt. When we were inside we started to play games. We played all day. When my parents went outside the house began to spin.  We began to go faster and faster.  When it stopped it was hot and there were so many different things so we ventured out of the house.  When we were outside I said to my pet wart rat, Ralph, I think that we are is some kind of trance. Oh and by the way, a wart rat is a weird inbreeding that the out come is between a wart hog and a rat. So it looks like a rat with tusks, and it is the size of a lab dog.

            So we began to look around Ralph got a whiff of something that he did ever so like.  So we followed it to see what it was and standing there in front of us was a pile of moldy strawberries.  Ralph’s favorite food was moldy strawberries. When he was done with his snack we went back to exploring.  Then we came across a humongous herd of bison.  They were very friendly.  They came right up to us and let me pet them. We were still exploring and found a dinosaur. We still went along the trail we had found and came across some beautiful flowers that I could give to my mom for her birthday. I had not had any time to go shopping and get her something really nice from a store, but I figured that she would like anything that I might get for her.  As we went a long it was like we were in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory because there were all kids of short orange people that kept singing and it got really annoying really fast.  I was so confused then zap like that we were back at home. Then I realized that the game we were playing was like Jumanji. Only a lot safer.  It was a fun day but Ralph and I was tired so we slept until the storm was over.