Planting trees


Planting trees…continuing the project

By: Sara K

On Oct. 24, 2008, the Valley senior class will not be sitting in the classroom all day, but instead will be outside helping the environment. They will be continuing a project that they started as juniors. In early spring last year, students they went out planted trees on Dick Jenson’s farm. This year they are going back to help put deer guards around the trees, to help out with odd tasks around the farm, and just enjoying a day with nature.

This field trip is tied in with the “Place Based Education” initiative at Valley. This is a new focus in which students will have the opportunity do project-focused activities created by local people. This will provide a meaningful experience not only in nature, but it will also complement classroom instruction. This is a great experience for students to get out of the classroom, but still be learning at the same time. Hopefully, this will also help students appreciate the environment and have a better understanding of it.

The senior class is excited to finish a project that they started last year and to see that just one day with some effort can affect many things.