Nelson Mandela: No Easy Walk to Freedom
Study Guide Questions
1. Describe the climate and geography of South Africa.
Part I -- Chapter 1
2. What was Nelson Mandela's Tribal name? What does it mean?
3. Describe Nelson Mandela's life while growing up.
Chapter 2
4. What were living conditions like for black miners?
5. In what ways did Walter Sisulu change Nelson Mandela's life?
6. How did Nelson Mandela's life as a lawyer effect his view of apartheid?
Part II -- Chapter 3
7. Describe the geography of Africa. How is Africa important to human history?
8. Why did many Europeans colonize Africa?
9. Describe the tribal life of the Zulu, Xhosa, and Sotho tribes.
10. Why did the Dutch settle South Africa in 1652?
11. After the British captured South Africa in 1806, how did the Dutch react?
12. How did the distrust of blacks grow on the Great Trek?
13. Describe what happened when gold and diamonds were discovered in Africa's interior.
Chapter 4
14. What significant events occured in these three years:
15. Describe how Apartheid hurt blacks and helped whites?
Part III -- Chapter 5
16. How did the African National Congress take action to stop Apartheid when it was first formed?
17. Was this effective? Why or why not?
Chapter 6
18. Mandela and sixty other black leaders formed the African Youth League.
Compare and contrast the leaders' vision for a new South Africa.
Chapther 7
19. Why was non-violence important to the 1952 Defiance Campaign?
20. Describe how the South African government reacted to the Defiance Campaign?
21. What were the banning laws? Why do you think they were put in place?
Chapter 8
22. What was the Freedom Charter? How was it formulated?
23. How did the government deal with the Free Charter Congress?
24. What did the rest of the world think of Nelson Mandela and the ANC during the trial?
25. What was the verdict?
Chapter 9
26. What is the South African tradition of Labola?
27. How was Nelsom Mandela's family life affected by his political work?
Chapter 10
28. What steps were taken by the South African government to strengthen Apartheid?
29. What was Sobukwe and the Pan African Congress's plan to protest Apartheid?
30. How were their views different than the ANC?
31. What happened to the demonstrators at Sharpeville? What were the protesters doing?
32. What was the world's reaction to the incident?
33. What was the white South African reaction to the incident?
34. What did the ANC decide to do because of this massacre?
Chapter 11
35. What violent means of protest was adopted by the ANC in 1961? Why was it chosen over the other violent means of protest?
36. What was Mandela's new role in the ANC?
37. What do you think of Nelson Mandela's speeches during the trial?
Do you think he could convince the rest of the world that his demands were reasonable?
Do you think he could convince the white South African government? Explain.
Chapter 12
38. What were the living conditions like in the jail?
39. What did Mandela do to survive?
40. What happened to Mandela's health while in jail?
Chapter 13
41. Describe life in the squatter camp.
42. What economic problems did South Africa experience in the 1970s? What was the best solution? Why was this not developed?
43. What did Steve Biko and the Black Power Movement say that blacks should do to improve their lives?
What was his stance on violence?
Chapter 14
44. In what way did the Soweto Massacre change some blacks' views toward violence? Why?
Chapter 15
45. What was Winnie Mandela's new attitude toward Apartheid? How did her words and actions reflect the time period?
Chapter 16
46. Prime Minister P.W. Botha said that people "must adapt or die". What did he mean by this?
47. How did Botha come to see change as necessary?
48. What changes were made?
49. How did the new laws make blacks angry?
Chapter 17
50. How did the anti-Apartheid supporters divide into different groups with different methods of solving problems?
51. What tactics were being used to protest?
Chapter 18
52. How much damage did the saboteurs do? What was their goal?
53. What did the comrades do? what was their goal?
Chapter 19
54. What did America do to help stop Apartheid? Was this effective?
Chapter 20
55. Why was releasing Nelson Mandela important to the people of South Africa and the world?
56. Why did Nelson Mandela refuse to be set free in 1985?
57. What did F.W. de Klerk do to begin the dismantling of Apartheid?
58. What reforms did Nelson Mandela work toward now that he was free?
59. Tell me what your feelings are on the struggle of the black people of South Africa to free themselves of Apartheid?
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