
End Stereotypes Activity

Page history last edited by Mrs. K. 11 years ago


Nelson Mandela



End Stereotypes Activity


    The blacks in South Africa were all thought to be unintelligent, unteachable, and violent troublemakers.  This was not true, however, and really wasn't a fair assumption on the part of the white South Africans.  This is what is called a stereotype or a generalization.


    Stereotypes and generalizations both base an opinion about a whole group of people by the actions of one or two people that someone has come into contact with, or on one small instance that a person has seen.  This is like saying that all junior high students are troublemakers just because the kid next door threw a baseball through my window.  These stereotypes and generalizations then, are not accurate and can even be hurtful to the people that they deal with.


    Think about what other people think of you.  What do people think of Iowans in general, especially if they have never been here?


    Do we really keep a cow tied up to the kitchen table to sit around on hay bales eating corn on the cob with a straw hat and bib overalls on?  Probably not.


    Or, think about it his way . . . maybe you had an older brother or sister that was really smart in school.  What are people going to think of you if they stereotype you?


    What about the other way around?  What if your brother or sister was a very bad student in class and got into trouble all the time?  What are the people going to think when they hear that you ar that student's brother or sister?

    Why do you think people would think this?


    Is this fair?


    Is it true?


    Think about other generalizations and stereotypes that you have heard before.  Maybe you have even believed they were true.  We all get fooled into believing them to be true every once in a while, but the important thing is to realize it when we do and find a way to change our opinions, and other people's opinions too.  What are some things that we can do to stop people from believing stereotypes are true?


    How can we stop them from being continued about ourselves?


    Your assignment for tomorrow is to design a poster on a regular sheet of white paper that shows a stereotype being overcome, or, how to stop a stereotype.  Please take your time on this and make it colorful.  Not everyone is an expert artist, but at least try hard and do your best.  Start by writing END STEREOTYPES! at the top of your paper and then go to work drawing!  Good luck and have fun.





Women do not have to only be housewives and stay home,they can be the president of a company, or even the country!


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